01. Order By Time vs Whole Day Vs Half Day


The most common setting is the whole day session. Meaning that whatever the time you set for your sessions to start for ex 7am, all the sessions from that day will be available at 7am to be watched for as long as you have set them for ( 24/48 hours) and the next day is the same and so on. 

The second option is to divide them by 2 sessions (morning/afternoon) is the same concept but some will be available in the morning and some will be available in the afternoon the time you have set for them to start.

This time is set in the timezone for the attendees so everyone no matter where they are will start at the same time ex 7am. 

The other option is to order by time. We do not recommend doing that. if you order by time,it means each session is gonna be available for only that specific time like from 8am to 9am then it closes and the next starts at 9am etc… This can cause some frustration with your attendees.


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