04. How to Implement An Order Bump & a Summit Upsell


The order bump and the upsell they will be created as a “product" inside the summit offer. So everything we are selling will be created as an indivual item inside the summit offers. Then when you create your main offers you can add/link this order bump to this offer and it will be shown as an additional item they can “add into their cart” to purchase when purchasing your summit offer


The summit upsell is an additional item that is offered after the checkout process, so after they bought the tier they will be offered an upsell, an increase to that purchase. You will create the product just like the other ones inside the offers section and then inside the tiers you will include the offer (what you are selling) the bonuses and the upsell products ( the products you will offer them to buy after they bought the tier. 


You can add multiple upsell itens and choose the order they will appear after your attendee have purchased the tier. these are called One Click upsell because they do not need to insert their credit card information again in order to buy them. So they can either click on the buy button or the no thanks link and it will take them to the next upsell page/offer and so on. 



Everything they bought will be delivered to them in the thank you page and is also available inside their summit portal under purchases.








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