Zapier Integration
Here are the step-by-step instructions:
Sign in or Sign up with Zapier: First, go to the Zapier homepage at If you don't already have an account, click on the "Sign Up" button and follow the instructions to create a new account. If you already have an account, sign in using your email address and password.
Create a new Zap and search for Virtual Summits Software: Once you're logged in to your Zapier account, click on the "Make a Zap!" button in the top right corner of the screen. In the search bar that appears, type in "Virtual Summits Software" and select it from the list of apps that appears.
Choose "Event New Attendee": On the next screen, you'll be prompted to choose a trigger event. Select "Event New Attendee" from the list of available options.
Select existing or Choose Account: If you've already connected your Virtual Summits Software account to Zapier, you can select it from the list of existing accounts. If you haven't connected your account yet, click on the "Connect an Account" button and follow the instructions to connect your account.
Enter the API Key from your Virtual Summits Software account: Once you've selected or connected your account, you'll be prompted to enter your API Key. To find your API Key, log in to your Virtual Summits Software account and hover over your avatar (account) in the top right corner. Click on "Profile" and then click the button labeled "API Key" to reveal your key. Copy the key and paste it into the appropriate field in Zapier.
Select the Summit you want to use: Next, you'll be asked to select the Summit you want to use for your trigger event. Choose the Summit you want to use from the dropdown menu.
Choose an Action where you want to sync your Summit leads or new registration: After you've set up your trigger event,you'll need to select an action to perform when the trigger is activated. Choose an action from the list of available options.
Currently the following data is available: Email, First and Last name, Tier Name: Depending on the action you choose, you'll be prompted to map data fields from your Virtual Summits Software account to your chosen action. The following data is currently available: Email, First and Last name, Tier Name.
Test your zap: Once you've mapped your data fields, you can test your zap to make sure it's working properly. Follow the instructions provided by Zapier to test your zap.
Turn on your zap: If your test is successful, you can turn on your zap to start syncing data between Virtual Summits Software and your chosen action.
And that's it! You've successfully set up a zap between Zapier and Virtual Summits Software.
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