Interactive Chat Feature Screenshot Tutorial
As a host, you can now enable the "Interactive Chat Feature" for your speakers presentations. You can activate one and not another. You can allow a chat to be visible or not visible.
Screenshot tutorial below:
Step 1: Once logged into your account, select the summit that you want to enable the chat feature on:
Step 2: On the left side of your summit dashboard select "Speaker" and then Select the "Speaker Presentation Tab":
Step 3: You will now see the below screenshot showing you the chat feature that allows you to either set ALL speaker presentations to be visible/hidden or active/inactive OR to customize each speaker presentation separately:
Step 4: When determining the setting of the presentations or individual presentation, Visible/Hidden means that the chat feature is either enabled or disabled for viewing. The Active/Inactive means that the chat is either available to be joined or unable to be joined. See below for specific screenshots of each setting:
Hidden Chat Screenshots:
***Notice on the second screenshot, there is no chat feature because it has been marked as "Hidden" and "Inactive".
Visible/Inactive Chat Screenshots:
***Notice in the second screenshot, you can now OPEN and VIEW the previous chat history, however, the "Type Our Message" is grayed out, meaning unavailable to send a new chat.
Visible and Active Screenshots:
***Notice in the second screenshot, you see that you can view the chat history AND send a new chat.
Question: Can a host block a user if the user sends an inappropriate chat?
Answer: Yes, absolutely, see the screenshots below:
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